Inviting You Along An Amazing Ride

Over the course of 8 years my family and my company have grown in leaps and bounds. This time has been filled with passion, tears, creativity, tantrums (not just from my toddler but grown adults), trepidation and the most amazing learning curves.

In this journal I will be sharing some behind the scenes stories of Maison Apothecare Inc., Lemon Aide and Sleepy Owl.  I will show you how my approach to developing products aligns with my mission and my personal 'why'. I'll go into detail on how I slowly and carefully brought essential oils into the homes of Canadian families with the help of my amazing team.
I hope to connect with you, my customer, on a whole new level.  Why, you ask?  You joined me on this journey when you bought your very first bottle of Maison Apothecare, Lemon Aide or Sleepy Owl so I feel I owe it to you.  I also hope that perhaps I can help an up and coming entrepreneur avoid the bumps and bruises I've endured.
You'll learn that I went through fire to hold onto my company and how I was able to steer my business, my first baby, back to safety and chart its new course.  I'll explain what it means to be small and mighty and how strength can come from the most unusual places & people.
Most of all, I'll share stories of every product and why it was developed with the health of your cells, skin, body, family and community in mind.
From my bubble to yours,
XO, Natacha